Friday, August 1, 2008

Love Poem for My Love One...

This Poem is for MY Beloved.
Day by day my hatred fade away,
Because of you i feel so gay,
I never felt so much love before,
When you hug me i feel love flowing through me.
When i look at you i feel i'm in love,
When i'm with you i feel i'm in summer,
I feel in love when i see a dove,
I hope these feeling be in my heart forever,
When i'm cold u make me warm,
Crazy when u laugh,sweet when u smile,
I most admire ur graceful style,
Memories of you,I can keep more than a file,
I love u forever my beloved,
My beloved may my love be with u forever.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

mY English Language Teacher Ms Lian a.k.a Evil

Lolz my english language teacher Ms Lian a.k.a Evil
she asked us about the time we nid to prepare for our oral test...
n i answered 1month...(actually feel like saying no nid to do)..
she juz reply me...OK
but u will do 4 speeches for me
den i reply 'Juz Kidding'
at the end,she gave us 2weeks time to prepared...

wHaT aN aNonyMouS..

hahah...may i know who is the anonymous???
that leave a comment for my previous post??
anyway thanks...
i appreciate ur precious comment....
i dun mind actually...
juz that please leave a name b4 u comment me...
i nid to know who often viewed my blog..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

7 eleven efficiency....

actually on last wednesday i wanted to bought hotlink top up card
there's is no more....
i waited for 3days still tak ada...
efficiency so LOW...
make me cannot sms with who i wan to sms with....
so sad...
but i know she is a understanding ppl...

Im back to blogging mood hAHahH....

woo....already for 2months i stop blogging already...
sorry for the late post...
i stop blogging becuz there are exams n some inconvenience occured...
but now....
u can visit my blog every weekend to check out my blog...
i only can post new post on friday , saturday , sunday
weekdays get controlled...
hahah nid to study actually...not so free to on9...
remember to read my blog every weekend...
hahah and don't forget to leave comments

Saturday, May 31, 2008

tHe dAy i sHarE jOhN 3:16 wIth StRangERs!!

woW tHiS iS ExCiTInG!!!!
Me N my PArtNer,NiKola...wEnt foR a CouPle sItTing aT A&W...
HarDesT pArt oF aLl iS tO sTaRt thE cOnVerSatIoN wITh TheM....
wE aRE so ScARe....
HhaAHha but At tHe eND wE sUccEEd....
iS uNbEliEvaBle i hAvE thE cOuRAgE to ShaRe sUmTHIng with A sTRaNgeR..
i havE LeaRn aLot oF tHInGs iN ThIS wIde 201...
tHx to Ps Victor,Kelly and Ps Noah....
tHey brOugHt mE a LEvEl higHer In cHrIsT....

oN 30tH May 2008!!!

i hAd a fUn TiMe wIth My fRienDS kEeKeat,JiaJiun n ChuN YaU..
wE wEnT rOlLer SkaTinG....
so fUn....aCt wE wEnT we MiSi n ViSi...
uNfOrTuNatEly wE faIlEd....aRHHH!!! so SAD.....
aFteR rOlLer sKAtiNg wE wEnT bOwLing...
i cAnt iMagiNe mY sKill wAs dAt bLooDy Bad..
i kEpt bOwl-Ing iNto thE "lOngKang"
so SaD.....anYwAy iT wAs FuN...
wHeN iM bAcK hOmE i realIse mY lEg wAs fiLL wiTh wAter PoKeS...
arHH!!! PaiNfuL.....
hahHAha...On 8.00pm'
foR uR iNfoRmatIon wIde 201 = SumThing Like Seminar to Christian...
ahaHAhaha iNteResTing Nite oF kNowIng so Much HIsTOrYs oF cHrisT....
AHahaH BlooDy tiREd....