Saturday, May 31, 2008

tHe dAy i sHarE jOhN 3:16 wIth StRangERs!!

woW tHiS iS ExCiTInG!!!!
Me N my PArtNer,NiKola...wEnt foR a CouPle sItTing aT A&W...
HarDesT pArt oF aLl iS tO sTaRt thE cOnVerSatIoN wITh TheM....
wE aRE so ScARe....
HhaAHha but At tHe eND wE sUccEEd....
iS uNbEliEvaBle i hAvE thE cOuRAgE to ShaRe sUmTHIng with A sTRaNgeR..
i havE LeaRn aLot oF tHInGs iN ThIS wIde 201...
tHx to Ps Victor,Kelly and Ps Noah....
tHey brOugHt mE a LEvEl higHer In cHrIsT....


Anonymous said...

hey, y u 1 2 use such type of font
difficult to read~ @_@

Anonymous said...

ya lo~

Unknown said...

ur tagged~ XD
go c my blog~^^